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Explore Our Incredible Jewelry Made in the Artisan Hands of the State of Yucatán by Its Passionate Artisans, We Only Sell Good Price and High Quality Items.

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Earrings are one of the most versatile and popular fashion accessories out there. Not only do they attract attention and increase your attractiveness, but they can also complement your style and personality. With a wide selection of styles, colors and materials, there are earrings for every occasion and outfit. From elegant and subtle designs to bold and extravagant ones, earrings are a must-have for any jewelry collection. They can be a nice gift for someone.


Chains are a classic and timeless accessory that never goes out of style. From delicate and subtle to thick and extensive chains, chains can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any look. Whether complementing a simple turtleneck or adding a statement accent to your outfit, chains are a perfect way to elevate your style. In addition, chains are also a symbol of power and status, and have been commonly used and they look radiant.


Bracelets are another must-have fashion accessory in a well-stocked wardrobe. From colorful beaded bracelets to rustic looking leather bracelets, there is a design for every occasion and look. Not only do they catch attention and complement your outfit, but they can also express your personality and unique style. Additionally, bracelets can also be a beautiful and personal gift for someone special, as you can choose a design that reflects their interests..


  • Jewelry of all kinds made by us/Jewelry from other brands at incredible discounts.
  • Handcrafted Jewelry of a Variety: Earrings, Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Pendants and More...
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What material are these jewels made of?

Quality Materials of Our Jewelry

Laminated Gold

  • Laminated gold This is a layer of genuine gold bonded to a metal base using heat and pressure. It is cheaper than solid gold and can last a lifetime if well cared for as it is of good quality and price. 


  • Steel It is a very hard and resistant material, but it is also very malleable. It is used to make containers, bridges and rails. Steel is corrosion resistant and can withstand high temperatures and pressures. 


  • Silver is a precious metal with a white color and exceptional shine. It is a transition metal, quite soft, ductile and malleable, apart from being the most economical and durable, although with a slightly more opaque gray color. 

Unique Jewelry from Mexico.

Don't wait any longer and check out our store to discover the latest and most unique creations!

  • JoyeríaElÁngel, we are proud to offer you the most affordable and best quality jewelry in Mexico. Our team of jewelry experts has carefully selected each of the pieces in our collection, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of quality, design and durability. From bracelets to elegant necklaces and earrings, each piece of jewelry in our collection is unique and characterized by its beauty and exclusivity. Find the perfect jewelry for you at JoyeríaElÁngel today! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR OFFERS!!

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